The Monday Night Bible Study at Calvary Church will be collecting sewing supplies and other items throughout the month of November for
The King's Table Ministries' programs.
Serving the Special Needs Community
King’s Table provides supportive services, enrichment opportunities, and community connections to over 700 students, plus their families, and staff at local special education schools and over 20 Adult Foster Care (AFC) Group Homes throughout Kent County.
Providing supplies that are needed in the classroom and in group homes plays an important part in the ministry. Common items we may take for granted are always needed. Special homemade gifts that are distributed come from a team of community members who are gifted in the area of sewing. They make a variety of items for King's Table to distribute to students & adults impacted by disabilities. Donations of sewing supplies are needed to make Annie's Coats (ponchos for wheelchair users), weighted stuffed animals, and marble mazes. These three special items use the same supplies so every little scrap of fabric can be used.
Annie's Coats

"It means so much to have been gifted something created specifically for our daughter's needs, by folks who just get it!"
Weighted Stuffed Animals

“I wanted to thank you so much for the weighted bear. It has proved invaluable, as Mitchell was admitted to [the] hospital yesterday…Last night was a hard night for him, as they had many things to attach to him…I hurried home for a shower and some of Mitchell's things and grabbed the weighted bear, as Mitchell loved the weight on his tummy to calm him down. God sure knew what he was doing when he found a listening ear in Kings Table to make and provide them to the Graduates. Mitchell has had him on his belly all day…I just wanted to give thanks to you and the sewers of the bears, you have done a wonderful kindness, and calmed down a boy very much in pain. God bless you all!”
Marble Maze

Marble mazes are quiet fidget toys made with scrapes of polar fleece.
Donations may be brought to Bible study during the month of November. If you would like to make a monetary donation, a basket will be outside the Chapel to accept cash and checks (payable to Calvary Church) or click the button below to give securely through mycalvarygr.org.
Contact Karen at kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org if you have any questions.
Items Needed
All-purpose thread: white, black, or navy blue
Polar Fleece Fabric: print or solid; 2-yard minimum
Sew On Velcro: 1” wide rolls; hook and loop; not adhesive; white, black, or navy blue
Jo-Ann Fabric’s Gift Cards: for sewing supplies
eBay Gift Cards: for plastic pellet beads
Plastic Pellet Beads: for weighted stuffed animals
Marbles: for sensory maze
Baby Wipes: unscented
Kleenex: soft type only
Sensory Fidgets:
Suggested List on Amazon: King's Table Wish List
Anything similar to these, they do not need to be purchased from Amazon
If purchasing from Amazon, use Amazon Smile for The King's Table Ministries and Amazon will make an additional donation